Saturday, October 2, 2010

Logan begins pre-school!

Better Late Than Never, Right?

Man oh man...blogging is falling by the wayside these days. Things around here have been really busy (really good, but busy).

***Logan started pre-school at Willamette Christian (3 days a week)
***I just started working on my Master's Degree in Education (specifically reading)
***Mason has had some stomach pain issues (lots of blood work and an CT scan)
***I am back to MOPS (co-coordinator this year)
***BSF has started back up (we are all attending and studying Isaiah)
***Mason and Mya are potty training (yuck! yuck! yuck!)
***Onion Harvest is in full swing (which means I am an onion widow and single mama for the time being)

Thursday is our only 'open' day and that is typically reserved for catch-up around the house or playdates with people we don't get to see due to this new crazy schedule. I used to use my free moments to update our blog, but now I have set the time aside for homework. I am trying really hard to keep up our family scrapbook so when I get a few moments I will upload the current pages. Blessings!