Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gardening Update!


Update on my gardening adventures: Well I did indeed plant the whiskey barrels in the backyard and also some pots in the front of the house.  I actually loved doing it.  I realized that my real aversion to gardening is getting dirty.  With closed toed shoes and some's kind of a kick!   The kiddos helped me and we had a great time.  I used small starters in the pots (because they were a steal of a deal at Fred Meyer...2/$1) so I will post some  pictures of them once they get to growing a bit. 

Saturday morning, my mom and I took the kids to Fessler's Nursery to get hanging baskets and some other plants.  A friend just told me about Fessler's (thank you Joy) and I was so thankful.  They have a huge selection and awesome prices.  The kiddos loved the wagon too (imagine that!).  Cheers to spring flowers!

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