Okay, so truth be told the day wasn't quite as glamorous as the title implies, but hey getting out is getting out! Today Mya and I made the big trek to Portland, more specifically Legacy Emanuel Hospital where Mya does her physical therapy (and now speech therapy) every Monday. Our day begins about 6:00 am when we get up to make sure we are out the door by 7:30 am to be all checked in and ready to begin by 9:00! Today speech wasn't until 2:00 pm which left us a little time to go explore the city. I left the choice of where to go next completely up to the navigation system in the van. Low and behold it sent us to Lloyd Center Mall (of course Mya was in need of a couple new outfits, as always). Next we went and picked up Denee' (my dearest, bestest high school buddy) from Shriner's Hospital where she works as an orderly (just kidding Denee'...she is actually an occupational therapist)and headed to eat lunch. Portland is full of quaint, local restaurants, however we preferred the ambiance of the van where we ate fast food in our laps (of course Mya had fallen asleep right before arrival and desperately needed a nap before her next appt.)...don't ya know it that as soon as Denee' got back with our food, Mya woke up. In case your tracking my girl's day out consisted of sitting on a hospital floor watching Mya excercise, a short mall excursion, and eating a salad in the front seat of my mini-van! Oh well, it's the company that counts and Mya and Denee' are about as amazing as they come!
oh fun! Hey, a day out is a day out...there were major things accomplished...chatting, shopping, eating...! glad you had a good girls day!
gotta love the cold sore pic :) ....but at least mya is adorable to make up for it :)
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